“Flaterl” (Butterfly) y “Unter a kleyn beymale” (Under the little tree)
A beautiful children’s song performed in Yiddish by Bobe Adina.
Butterfly, Song from poet Beyle Schechter Gottessman; and song from Jewish Folklore, ‘ Under the little tree‘. The first describes a butterfly jumping from flower to flower and the beauty of this. The second is a song describing first boys and then girls seating under a tree and confiding little stories that the other always copies trying to outdo the first one.
This song is part of the album “Talzi”, Cri-Cri songs and traditional songs for children in Yiddish.
Flaterl – medley
Fun blat tzu blat
Fun blum tsu blum
Flaterl flit arum.
Roit un grin
Gel un bloy
Ot bistu do, ot bistu dort.
Ot bistu do
Ot bistu dort
Kenst nit aynshtein oyfn ort
Flaterl sheyn bistu sheyn
Kh’vil dikh nit khapn – neyn o neyn.
Flidzde flaterl, flater avek
Di velt iz groys
S’hot nit kayn ek.
Fun blat tzu blat
Fun blum tsu blum
Flaterl flit arum.
Unter a Kleyn Beymale
Unter a kleyn beymale, zitzn yinglakh
Zey redn fun a meydale, keyn zakh kimert
zey (2)
Dertzeylt einer di nisimlakh vos er hot
Khapt der anderer aroys, dertzeylt es
akurat. (2)
Unter a kleyn beymale, zitzn meydlakh
Zey redn fun a yingale, keyn zakh kimert
zey (2)
Dertzeylt eyne do maysalakh, s’klingt altz
Khapt di andere aroys, dertzeylt es
akurat. (2)
Unter a kleyn beymale zitzn in a rod
Kinder groyse un oykh kleyn, zingen in a
khor (2)
Zey zingen ale lidalakh – mayses
Lakht men un men hot farbrakht – dos iz
altz a prakht! (2)
Translated and modified to Yiddish by Adina Cimet. This CD is not for sale.