Yiddish songs in 4-part harmony IHO International Holocaust Remembrance Day
The Yiddish Philharmonic Chorus דער ייִדישער פֿילהאַרמאָנישער כאָר Binyumen Schaechter, Conductor Seth Weinstein, Pianist IN HONOR OF International Holocaust Remembrance Day Three songs in Yiddish performed in four-part harmony with English subtitles Partizaner-himen פּאַרטיזאַנער־הימען (Partisans’ Hymn) also known as Zog nit keyn mol זאָג ניט קיין מאָל (Never Say) Unter di khurves fun Poyln אונטער די […]
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El desconocido que escribió la más conocida canción Yiddish “Oifn Pripechik”
Pregúntele a cualquier veterano amante del Yiddish, cuál es la canción yiddish más popular y conocida y la respuesta será invariablemente la misma : “Oifn pripetchik” , o sea “en el hornillo” una referencia a un sistema muy elemental de calefacción en los hogares de los judíos en Europa Oriental en el siglo XIX. Si […]
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Sholi Grossman presents: “Fort Mit Mir” a rap-Hasidic song in Yiddish
This song by Grossman has clear roots in the song “: Zol Zayn” by Yoisef Papiernikov, which refers to the custom of building castles in the air.
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Traditional passover songs for listening, singing and enjoying!
Passover, or Pesach in Hebrew, is one of the three major pilgrimage festivals of ancient Israel and commemorates the Exodus from Egypt. Its name comes from the miracle in which God “passed over” the houses of the Israelites during the tenth plague. Centered on the family or communal celebration of the seder (ritual meal), Passover […]
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Traditional Passover songs: Mu Adabru, Dayeynu & Oifn Nil / Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus / JPPC
The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus (JPPC) is a multigenerational forty-voice ensemble. We’re students, professionals, and robust retirees, all in love with singing and committed to promoting Yiddish language and culture through beautiful four-part harmony. Few of us are fluent, but we all learn together from the Yiddish vocal literature—traditional folk songs, settings of classic and […]
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Ring in the Jewish New Year with a Yiddish song
וי אַ קינד אין פֿילאַדעלפֿיע אין דער אָרטיקער ייִדישער פֿאָלקסשול האָב איך זיך אויסגעלערנט אַ ריי לידער אויף ענגליש, ייִדיש, העברעיִש און אַפֿילו אַ פּאָר אויף דזשודעזמע וועגן די ייִדישע יום־טובֿים, (די פֿאָלקסשול האָט צו יענער צײַט, צום באַדויערן, מער ניט געלערנט קיין ייִדיש). אויף וויפֿל איך דערמאָן זיך, האָבן מיר בלויז איין ראָש־השנה ליד […]
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“Tumbalalaika”, sixteen versions for you to enjoy!

“A bayshpil”, sung by Jacob Gorelik
Jacob (Yankev) Gorelik was born in Schedrin (Shchadryn, Scadryn) Belarus, and came to the US in the 1920s. This performance was recorded at a concert in New York City on November 10th, 1990, organized by Center for Traditional Music and Dance, then called the Ethnic Folk Arts Center. This event was part of The Yiddish […]
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