The Jewish Lifecycle and its Musical Practices in the Colombian Communities: Mesilat Yesharim of Cali and Or Va Derek of Villavicencio, Colombia.
This article presents the research carried out on Sephardic Jewish religiosity and its musical practices, for which a methodology was developed from a qualitative approach, guided by the inductive method.This in order to achieve a description of the reality studied within the context of two Jewish communities of Cali andVillavicencio.The results presented here are a synthesis of ten tunes that correspond to the ten stations of the Jewish life cycle, findings that give a step-by-step account of the Hebrew religious sense and its connection with musical expressions.Thus, the conclusions allow us to understand that Hebrew music and the Jewish life cycle are united with the aim of transmitting the Hebrew culture to the new generations, which is mediated by the pages and video channels of the Internet network. As a final matter we can see that between the Sephardi and Askenazi movements in Colombia, respect, use and admiration for the practice of foreign musical traditions is perceived.
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