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Hear O Israel (Vol. 2)

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33 1/3 RPM

Hear O Israel (Vol. 2)

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  • Rakhomo

    0 Merciful G-d, who answerest the poor, answer us. 0 Merciful G-d who answerest the lowly is spirit, answer us. 0 Merciful G-d, who answerest the broken of heart, answer us. 0 Merciful G-d answer us 0 Merciful G-d, answer us. 0 Merciful G-d, have compassion. 0 Merciful G-d, redeem. 0 Merciful G-d, save. 0 Merciful G-d, have pity upon us, now, speedily, and at a near time.

  • Ki K'shimkho

    For according to Thy name so is Thy praise. Thou art slow to anger and ever ready to be reconciled; for Thou desirest not the death of the sinner, but that he turn from his way and live. And even until the day of his death Thouwaitest for him: and if he return Thou dost straightway receive him. In truth Thou art their creator, who knowest their nature, that they are flesh and blood.

  • Odom Yesodo Meofor

    As for man, he is from the dust and unto the dust will he return; he getteth his bread with the peril of his life; he is like a fragile potsherd, as the grass that withereth, as the flower that fadeth, as a fleeting shadow, as a passing cloud, as the wind that bloweth, as the floating dust, yea, and as a dream that flieth away.

  • Zokhrenu Bezikuron

    Our G-d and G-d of our fathers, let us be remembered by Thee for good and visit us with a visitation of salvation and mercy from the heavens, the heavens of old, and remember unto us, 0 Lord our G-d, the Covenant and the loving-kindness and the oath which Thou swarest unto Abraham our father on Mount Morlah: and may the binding with which Abraham our father bound his son Isaac on the alter appear before Thee, how he suppressed his compassion in order to perform Thy will with a perfect heart. So may Thy compassion soften Thine anger against us; in Thy great goodness may the fierceness of Thy wrath turn aside from Thy people, Thy city and Thine inheritance.

  • Sarfe Maloh

    Seraphim, in the heights of Heaven, called in anguish: “This is then the law, and this the wage thereof, 0 Thou who spreadest out light as a garment! thus the foe blasphemes Thy great and awful name, and scorns Thy law!” But out of Heaven’s Height a voice replied: Let no more sound be uttered, lest I turn the world to water, and my throne’s footstool to sudden chaos. This is my decree; accept it, all of you who loved the law which I created ere the world was made.”
    Thus were the Princes of the law brought low, the corner-stones jewelled with precepts. Now Rabbi Akiba was led forth to die; Hananya, too, who was Teradyon’s son, torn from his place; and yet he held the scroll fast in his arms. 0 G-d, blot out their pain.

  • Ono B'Khoakh

    0 Lord we beseech Thee to loosen, with the greatness of Thy powerful right hand, those that are bound in captivity. Accept the cry of Thy people; exalt and purify us, 0 Thou who art tremendous! 0, most powerful G-d! we beseech Thee to preserve, as the apple of the eye, those that seek Thee, who art G-d alone. Bless, and purify them, and continually reauite them according to Thy merciful righteousness. Thou, who art most mighty and holy! Guide Thy congregate people with Thine abundant goodness. Thou, who art G-d alone, and most excellent, regard Thy people, who continually make mention of Thy holiness. Accept our prayers, and hearken to our cries, 0 Thou! to whom all secrets are known.